Bring music and arts education to your child’s school today.

Programs are free to children and families, low cost to schools.

There are several way to bring Music in Schools Today
to your child’s school or preschool:

  • Contact your school’s Parent-Teacher Association or district office and tell them you want Music in Schools Today to come to your child’s school.

  • Contact Our team can work with you to reach out to your school’s PTA or superintendent to advocate for bringing MUST’s programming to your child’s school.

  • Attend your child’s school’s LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) meeting and advocate for arts education in your school. Why music? Music and the arts are as essential to a well-rounded education as literacy, math and science. Studies show that music and arts education increases student achievement—students who participate in music score an average of 31 points higher in reading and writing and 23 points higher in math on the SAT.*


Children love our highly skilled teaching artists and see themselves reflected in their warmth and diversity. We collaborate with our teaching artists to develop curriculum that children can identify with and learn from. Children who take our programs make over 75% gains in literacy, math, science, social justice and life skills. MUST offers arts enrichment classes in music, band, dance, and visual arts, tailored to your school’s needs, as varied as Gospel Choir, Groove Lab, Mural Making, Puppetry and Fashion Design. Learn more about our programs by clicking here.